なんて有難いこと!そんなに褒めてくれちゃって、これが関西なら「何にもでえへんよ~」か「アメちゃん食べる?」と言うトコなんだろうけど、高知ではそんなこと言いません。ちょうど近くに今年の年賀状のプリントミスがあったので 「こんなんしかおまへんけど」とは言わなかったけど、とにかく差し上げたら、
The year is 2023. Good day to all of you.
Last year was a difficult year with many unexpected things happening, and I wonder what will happen this year.
It is going to be a year of unpredictability on a global scale.
On a recent Saturday, a young couple came to our store to buy an illustration stamp.
They were going out for the first time in a while, “so I asked the wife where they wanted to go.” ” I would like to go to ODANIstamp! We went to an event once before and saw a lot of interesting stamps.”
I was happy enough that they chose our store, but then he continued
”I bought an illustration stamp at that time, too, and I like it so much that I still use it.
It’s amazing how just one stamp can put you in a peaceful mood! I like the relaxed atmosphere!” He said.
How kind of you! If I were in the Kansai region, I would have said, “Nothing at all,” or “Do you want some candy? But when I gave him a misprinted copy of New Year’s greeting card,
he said, “I’m going to decorate my room!”
I’m sorry. They say there is fortune in leftovers, right? I’m sure you’ll be fine.
So, we are grateful for all the new year’s customers.
Well, let’s do our best in 2023!
See you soon.