お二方は、お盆に帰省しておられたご夫婦、アッキーさんとアカリさん(関東地区 春0、夏・初)と、もう一方は私の友人(四国地区、春・二回、夏・初)Uちゃんです。
Hello everyone.
On Saturday the 20th, we held our second spoon-making workshop this month on the banks of the Shimanto River.
It was a bit hot and humid day, but the wind blew through the trees along the riverbank, and it was cool and comfortable in the shade.
There were three participants.
Two of them were a couple, Akki and Akari, who had returned to their hometown for the Bon Festival (Kanto area, spring 0, summer 1), and the other was my friend, U-chan (Shikoku area, spring twice, summer 1).
We were able to prepare a lot of materials this time. From left to right: Evergreen witch hazel, muku treet, willow, cherry blossom, and bead tree.
bead tree is easy to make and has a beautiful pattern because it grows quickly, so its eyes are not packed and it can be shaved straight. The cherry blossoms have the familiar aroma of sakura mochi (is sakura mochi the aroma of cherry blossoms?). The red part is hard, but the white part is crispy and easy to make. Muku tree has a beautiful white skin color, but its grain is tight and hard, so it is a tree for experienced cooks.
So, the two first-timers chose the easy-to-sharpen sakura and kendan, while U-chan, who is more experienced, chose muku tree.
The entire process was relaxed from start to finish, with the talkative Akki-san and the sometimes goofy Akari-san poking fun at each other, and U-chan working hard on the finishing touches with Akki-san by her side.
Three men from the park maintenance crew came to visit us during a break, and a group of student campers were nearby, bustling with activity. All four of us laughed the whole time, and the day passed quickly.
Since this is the first time for both of them, we made the spoons larger so that the cutting volume would be less.
Akki-san uses it for stir-frying, and Akari-chan uses it for making jam.
U-chan, for the third time, made a Korean sukkara mold. It looks like she was able to interact with the wood exactly as she imagined.
Once again, wonderful spoons were born.
The next event is scheduled for late September. We will post an announcement on Facebook when it is decided.
If there are more than two people, we will hold the workshop on other days as well.
See you soon.
여러분 안녕히 계세요.
20일 토요일, 시만토카와 강변에서 이번 달 두 번째 숟가락 만들기 강습회를 했습니다.
조금 무더운 날이었지만 하천 부지는 나무숲 속을 바람이 뚫고 그늘에 들어가면 시원하고 쾌적했습니다.
참가는 세 분.
두 분은, 추석에 귀성하고 계신 부부, 아키씨와 아카리씨(칸토지구 봄0, 여름·첫)와 다른 한쪽은 내 친구(시코쿠지구, 봄·두번, 여름·첫)U짱 입니다.
소재를 이번에는 많이 준비했어요.왼쪽부터 유수, 푸조나무, 버드나무, 벚꽃, 전단.
전단은 성장이 빨라 눈이 막히지 않고 곧게 깎여 만들기 쉽고 무늬가 곱다.벚꽃은 친숙한 사쿠라모치의 향이 나서 (사쿠라모치가 사쿠라향인가?) 살코기 부분은 딱딱하지만 흰자는 바삭바삭 깎여서 만들기 쉽다.무쿠라키는 하얀 피부색이 아름답지만 눈이 막혀 딱딱하기 때문에 경험자를 위한 나무라고 할 수 있습니다.
그래서 처음인 두 분은 깎기 쉬운 벚꽃과 센단, 경험자인 U양은 무쿠라노키입니다.
작성중은 시종 화목하고, 수다쟁이를 좋아하는 애키씨와, 파고들면서도 때때로 시치미를 떼는 아카리씨, 그것을 곁눈질로 꼬치꼬치 완성하는 U짱
두 분 처음이라 절삭량이 적게 되도록 큼직하게 만들었습니다.애키는 볶음용, 아카리는 잼 만들기용 두꺼운 스푼이라고 합니다.
세번째 U짱은 한국의 스카라형. 이미지대로 제대로 나무와 대화할 수 있었던 것 같습니다.
다음 번 개최는 9월 하순을 예정하고 있습니다.정해지면 페이스북에 공지하겠습니다.
그 이외의 날이라도 2명 이상이라면 수시로 개최하오니 관심 있는 분은 문의해 주십시오.
그럼 또 봐요.