Have you ever been aware of the existence of the underlay of the paper when you stamp a stamp? Actually, it is the underlay that is important for beautiful stamping.
When we went to deliver an extra-large stamp stand 30 cm x 10 cm for bills, which was custom-ordered by the chief priest of Ichijo Shrine, to which we are always indebted, we found that there was nothing to put under the paper when stamping, so we asked him if we could do something about this, too.
He asked us if we could do something about this as well. (Did we have such a thing?
(By the way, “something to put under the stamp” is called “seal mat” or “seal mat” in the industry.)
I said I would check, but of course there is no ready-made stamping mat for a custom-made stamp stand size.
We asked the manufacturer, but they didn’t have one, so we made one at our store.
We have chosen the best materials so that there is no stress in the process of stamping as many stamps are stamped in a day.
The process is based on a small bamboo-bark stamping stand I made at a stamping technique training school in the past…
Simply put, it’s all about cutting and stacking materials and tacking them together, but the details are made up.
I just delivered it and received a comment from the shrine priest that it was “perfect! I received a comment from the shrine priest saying, “Perfect!
I would be happy if you remember our store a little when you get a bill at Ichijo Shrine.
I wish I had taken a picture of the place where it was being pressed.